To expand capacity for Integrated Serosurveillance at the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) and Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), for improved public health programs management in Nigeria.
CDC Foundation
Following an assessment completed early in 2020, In May 2020, eHealth Africa was awarded a contract by the CDC Foundation to implement recommended upgrades to ICT, power, and data systems at the NRL and NCDC. The scope of work was viewed as critical to ensure that NCDC and its staff would be able to store, manage, access, and analyze MBA data as part of its integrated National Serosurveillance in Nigeria project.
Key Outcome:
To improve the capacity of NCDC/NRL to conduct serosurveillance through improved infrastructure.
Key Outputs:
1. Power system upgraded
2. ICT system upgraded
3. Data response system developed
4. Training completed
These upgrades would help to improve the day to day work of NCDC/NRL by:
Reducing energy/power consumption and costs
Improving consistency of power availability
Improving safety (through equipment upgrades)
Improving network capacity (speed/availability/latency)
Increasing server capacity
Improving the "data approver" and “data requester” experience through the data response system.
eHA's role
As an implementing partner, we will;
Implement upgrades to Power and IT Infrastructure at the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) and Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC)
Design, develop a data response system to be deployed at the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for people requesting serosurveillance data
Provide training to NRL/NCDC Data, Power and IT teams to enable them effectively manage upgraded IT/Power/Data systems.
National Reference Laboratory
Nigeria Centre for Disease Control
cost reduction in utility bill.
reduction in energy consumption.
improvement in network availability.