We are eHealth Africa.
Walk with us on our project journies through data and infographics.
The AVADAR Edge in Achieving Polio-Free Certification
The Auto-Visual AFP Detection and Reporting (AVADAR) project created a network of key informants to report suspected Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) cases in their communities using a mobile SMS-based software application. This project was designed to improve AFP surveillance in Africa, one of the significant strategies that earned the region its polio-free certification in August, 2020.
The Journey to a Polio Free Nigeria: The Borno Story
In 2016, after a wild poliovirus outbreak in Borno, the Borno State Primary Health Care Development Agency (BSPHCDA), in close collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), eHealth Africa (eHA), Solina Health and other partners, launched the Reach Every Settlement (RES) and the Reaching Inaccessible Children (RIC) to access under-5 children in partially Hard to Reach (HTR) and HTR settlements respectively in order to interrupt the transmission of the virus.
Kano Connect: Increasing Accountability in Kano State’s Routine Immunization Programs
Kano Connect is an mHealth platform managed by the Kano State Primary Health Care Management Board (KSPHCMB) with support from eHealth Africa (eHA) for the effective management and supervision of health services delivery by health workers in Kano state.
Vaccine Direct Delivery: Reducing Vaccine Stock Out Rates
Vaccine Direct Delivery (VDD) is a third party logistics service provided to the State Primary Healthcare Development Agencies, with the aim of providing effective and efficient distribution of vaccines and dry commodities from state cold store to health facilities at the ward level. The service provides quality data and reporting to aid decision making regarding planning, scheduling and routing optimization which improves general vaccine management and reporting.
The Vaccinator Tracking System (VTS) Project
The VTS project was introduced in 2012 to support the effort of the Nigerian government and partner agencies towards the elimination of Poliovirus transmission and achieving Polio free certification. VTS uses data collected during immunization plus days (IPD) campaigns to identify missed or partially covered settlements to improve vaccination geo coverage in the high-risk states.
World Food Programme Warehouses
The World Food Programme (WFP) uses either food or cash transfers to support vulnerable populations affected by the violence in Northeast Nigeria. The objective of this project is to work towards the improvement of the supply chains for emergency nutrition commodities.