We believe that stronger health systems are best achieved through systems-level, integrated approaches.
program goals
Improve both the quality and availability of health care for underserved populations, primarily through data management and logistics support to enable better decision making.
Work with stakeholders to prepare for and respond to potential and active public health emergencies in order to eliminate or lessen their negative impact on populations, primarily through the design of context-specific technological tools and smarter operations.
Provide technological tools and operational support to collect and analyze data from the field level, including hard-to-reach communities, that contributes to the detection and ultimate prevention of public health emergencies and disease outbreaks.
Build and operate effective laboratories in-country, and develop the tools and technologies needed to collect and disseminate information generated from labs in order for stakeholders to appropriately respond to public health events. Laboratory systems work in conjunction with effective field surveillance tools to classify and confirm potential threats to a population’s health.
Develop technological tools to provide nutrition stakeholders, from producer to processor to consumer, with data and systems that ensure that the most vulnerable populations in West Africa, especially women and children, have access to nutritious food.
Program Philosophy
Our experience working as an implementer and a leader across health systems delivery, emergency response, and supply chain management tells us that without a unified approach to strengthening the health systems overall, programs are destined to be ineffective, costly, and slow.
We will use the strategic model to encourage integration across programs and provide value, responsiveness, and scale in our work. Further, we will maintain quality and impact, in part, by vetting our participation in projects using the following rules:
We can do the work better than anyone else.
The project is driven by impact on beneficiaries.
The work is transformational.