Ensuring constant availability of vaccines is necessary for the eradication of vaccinepreventable diseases such as Polio, Meningitis and Tuberculosis. Auta A. is a member of the Kano State Logistics Working Group [SLWG] tasked with the responsibility of monitoring and coordinating vaccine security, distribution and stock availability across all 44 Local government areas (LGA) and 484 wards in Kano state.
For many years, capturing data for monitoring and supervision of vaccine logistics was done using paper- based forms and reporting templates which were prone to errors.
Every month, Auta needed to review six forms submitted from the LGA, zone and state level in order to plan and coordinate vaccination distribution to health facilities.
The lack of on-time last mile data has made logistics and supply chain planning and monitoring very challenging. His
“During a supervision exercise, I could visit 10 facilities and none or all would have problems - stockouts or dysfunctional cold chain equipment.”
dilemma was that it was difficult to review summary sheets submitted from all the 44 LGA but there is need for all 484 apex health facilities level data to plan vaccine distribution. Although the SLWG frequently conducted monitoring and supervision visits (MSVs), they weren’t always effective because it was impossible to visit every health facility.
LoMIS Stock was introduced into Kano state in 2014. It is an electronic logistic management information system tool that allows health workers at the facility level to bypass conventional paper-based reporting systems and submit reports instantly using an application on their mobile device. LoMIS Stock also gives supervisors real time visibility of important vaccine stock and consumption metrics, enabling them to resolve issues at the health facilities promptly.
eHealth Africa developed the application and trained supervisors and health workers to use the application. eHA also provides regular technical support in case the supervisors have issues using the app or the dashboard.
Explaining just how successful the project has been, Auta shared a recent experience which enabled him to provide support directly to the health facility. Checking through the LoMIS dashboard, he noticed that a health facility had reported stockouts of a particular antigen whereas the LGA report showed that there were no stock outs in any facility within the LGA.
In a matter of hours, he visited the health facility to validate the data and noticed that the health facility had no stock outs of the reported antigen but was running low on stocks of other antigens. Auta then called the LGA cold store and asked them to supply that facility the required amounts of each antigen. By the end of the day, the facility had received the vaccines. Without LoMIS Stock, Auta would not have been able to detect or correct that error.
“LoMIS Stock makes my work more focused and effective because I can provide support directly to the health facilities that need it instead of scheduling MSVs which may miss health facilities that need the most support.”
Testimonies like that of Auta prove beyond doubt LoMIS stock’s potential to transform Vaccine facilitation and coordination as well as to improve immunization delivery in Nigeria and Africa.
“LoMIS Stock did not destroy the system but it greatly improved the quality of the system.”