The survey and research aim to investigate questions of vaccine acceptance, equity, and broader trust in government, particularly about the COVID-19 vaccine, and to understand both where and how vaccine resistance is generated

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/GovLab

The research will also seek to understand how the nature of the vaccine delivery program might build or undermine trust in the government for the future.

A predetermined sample size of between 3000 to 6000 respondents from the 10 communities will be interviewed, this depends on the population of adults in the selected communities.  It is estimated that each community will have about 300 to 600 adults that will participate in the survey.  It is also expected that all adults in all households in the selected communities will be interviewed. 

A household enumeration will be conducted to identify eligible adults who are willing to participate in the survey. Two attempts will be made to conduct interviews at each selected household. eHA will record all unsuccessful visits in a non-response table and share them with the Principal investigator. This survey will be conducted using digital tools to ensure easy collection, storage, transmission, and analysis of the data collected during field activities.

eHA will leverage stakeholder relations across the selected locations to support the successful implementation of the survey.

eHA's role

The scope of work will cover all planning and implementation activities required to successfully conduct the survey across the selected communities within the timeframe. This will include the provision of personnel as well as planning and operational logistics. The following outlines the expected activities and responsibilities covered with the scope of work

  • Provision of inputs on questionnaires

  • Support for obtaining all necessary legal and ethical approvals in Nigeria - NHREC and state IRB approvals

  • Programming of questionnaires for tablet software (with support from the Principal Investigator for any complex randomization)

  • Household listing to identify all adults in each village

  • Field enumeration and management

  • Perform Data quality checks

  • Conduct Back checks as required

who benefits
  • MIT- Availability of data to support decision making

  • Federal Government of Nigeria: Availability of data to support decision making