My name is Nura Muazu, I am the State Cold Chain officer (SCCO), Sokoto State, Nigeria. We usually get our vaccines supply from the zonal cold store Kano, through the NPHCDA or from Abuja through the UNICEF directly. I have been working as SCCO for over 4yeras, and staff of the agency for over 20 years, and all the 23 LGAs CCOs (LCCO) get all their vaccines from me whenever they visited the state cold store.
My role as SCCO is to ensure that vaccines are delivered, documents vaccine push and return the remaining vaccine to the state cold store for daily accountability in the state by eHealth HDOs. I also ensure that I organize, direct and manage delivery of vaccines in 247 HFs 244 wards of 23 LGAs of the state through the LGA CCO. I provide technical lead in vaccine planning, allocation, implementation and monitoring of immunization activities in Sokoto State.
Before we started this present push system i.e. Vaccine Direct Delivery through the eHealth Africa in Dec,2016, all our Apex facilities get their vaccines from the LCCOs, while the cascade facilities get theirs from the Apex facilities, i.e. pull system. For some LCCOs, they have to wait for transportation fare, at times use the opportunity of any training, before they visit the State Cold Store to get vaccines, which usually delay the process and contribute to vaccines stock out at the facility level. In the past, there that possibility that an apex facility can visit the LGA cold store and the LCCO is not having vaccines in stock, simply because he’s yet to visit the state cold store.
In December 2016, eHealth Africa commenced the Vaccine Direct Delivery Project in Sokoto State. Vaccine Direct Delivery (VDD) is a third party logistics service that ensures vaccines and dry goods are delivered timely, at correct doses and in good condition to health facilities at the ward level.
And now there is no need for any apex facility to visit the LGA cold store, because they always get their vaccines from the eHealth Africa biweekly. Reliably there is a great transformation from the old way of vaccine pull system, and the new push system through the eHealth. For now, none of the LGA CCO visits the state for vaccine collection again. Aside from vaccine delivery by eHealth Health delivery officers, they also ensure vaccine re-distribution to all the facilities whenever the state cold store is out of stock, which is highly commendable.
“For best practice, begin vaccine push system in our State. And I want recommend other states to commence Vaccine Direct Delivery and see the positive result on reduction of vaccine stock out and proper accountability.”
From past experience, some facilities after organizing the community for outreach session, their vaccines will get finished on time or no diluents at all, but with eHealth push system in palace, the HDOs ensure that they package all HFs LGA vaccines (bundles) including the devices at once without leaving anything behind which actually helped improved the RI services in the State.
In the last 6 months (Jan-June), over 2 million vaccines have been delivered to average of 351 cold-chain equipped health facilities monthly, leading to the immunization of over 800,000 children against Vaccine preventable diseases in Sokoto State