Aminu Abdullahi is the assistant state cold chain officer sokoto, he ensures delivery of vaccines to all the 23 local Government cold stores in the state, by providing adequate vaccine for vaccine direct delivery operations, Local Government Area cold stores as well as for campaigns. His main task is to ensure vaccines and dry goods are sorted, packed and ready for health delivery officers for delivery, document vaccine issued out and returned to the state cold store for daily accountability for RI and campaigns in the state.
Before the commencement of vaccine “Push Plus” in sokoto, all apex facilities get their vaccines from LGA cold store and cascade facilities gets there own from the apex, i.e “Pull system”. There was no regular schedule for LGAs to collect vaccines rather each LCCO waits until transport allowance is provided before going to collect vaccine, also some CCOs leverage on when they are called upon for any schedule training in the state so they use the opportunity and visit the state cold store to collect vaccines. This irregular vaccine collection has always brought about stockout, most time apex facilities will visit LGA for collection of vaccines but will discover there is no stock available, since the LCCO did not get the vaccines from the state, there was no confidence in the system.
Now that the state government has engaged the service of eHealth Africa to implement the “Push Plus”, all the 23 Local Government Areas receives their allocations of vaccines at correct quantity and timely through the vaccine direct delivery operation handled by eHealth. Honestly there is a great difference from the old way of vaccine pull system, and the new push system through the eHealth, none of the LGA CCO visit the state cold store for vaccine collection anymore.
“The vaccines push system works better in terms of vaccine availability and accountability.”
In the last 6 months (Jan-June), over 2 million vaccines have been delivered to average of 351 cold-chain equipped health facilities monthly, leading to the immunization of over 800,000 children against Vaccine preventable diseases in Sokoto State