Amongst array of emerging digital health innovations Electronic Medical Records is gradually replacing the traditional information storage systems. The storage of patients’ medical records is gradually becoming an inevitable tool in hospitals and amongst healthcare practitioners. This innovation according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information has to a large extent reduced medication errors, adverse drug reactions, and improved compliance to practise guidelines among health care professionals.
As a matter of fact, a study of physicians in emergency departments showed that doctors spent an average of 43% of their time on data entry and only 28% of their time on direct patient contact.
Despite its importance especially in ensuring access to accurate data while improving decision making and effective diagnosis, the health sector has consistently encountered challenges which seem to have hindered the scaling and optimisation of electronic medical records in developing countries.
In this vein, the 16th episode of Insights Webinar will focus on the barriers, prospects and recommendations on how to scale the implementation of Electronic Medical Records in developing countries.
We look forward to your contributions in what will be another impactful episode of Insights Webinar!
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